Determinantes da expansão da bovinocultura na Amazônia Legal Mato-Grossense / The determinants of cattle herd expansion in the brazilian legal Amazon (Mato Grosso state)


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




While the growing demand for food has become a challenge to the productive sectors, the equal distribution of this production is one of the main concerns of the contemporary society. Following this trend, agricultural production has thrived, supported by research and technology. On the other hand, meat production still has room for improvement through diversification of production by associating with other activities or through intensification in areas increasingly affected by climate change or environmental pressures. In this scenario of challenges and opportunities for the agribusiness sector, the object of this study is characterization of determinants of the beef cattle expansion in the Brazilian Legal Amazon (Mato Grosso state), describing the introduction of this activity, analyzing its expansion and discussing perspectives. A qualitative and quantitative study was undertook by contemplating exploratory, descriptive and explanatory categories. Among the instruments of analysis, the approach of productive chains was used, with special attention being given to the production segment. The techniques of data compilation, analysis and presentation of the results were divided in: the reading and revision of theories and concepts for building an analytical framework; documentary survey to assist in the characterization of the object; the participation in events to identify the agents responsible for technical changes in the sector and the expansion of landmarks in the state; and conducting interviews to obtain opinions and information from selected agents. The results are presented in four chapters. The first part is divided into three sections, has ¿ as part of the preliminary results of the research ¿ a bibliographic review applied to the object of the study. The second one describes the introduction of cattle and its different phases, in line with the historical and socioeconomic development of Mato Grosso, with emphasis on the state division, the migration process, the granting of credit an incentives for the exploitation of agricultural activities. The third one is an analysis of the expansion of beef cattle in Mato Grosso, now belonging to the Legal Amazon region, focusing mainly on aspects involving the diffusion of technologies and the role of the beef industry. The fourth and last entails a discussion on the outlook of the cattle breeding and the issue of sustainability within the scope of the object of this study, focusing on guidelines for the market and chain of demands. The conclusion retakes the goals and questionings whose answers helped in the preparation of a framework that synthesizes the determinants of the cattle herd expansion in Mato Grosso and pointed to the possibility of new research from the object of this study.


agronegócio agribusiness livestock bovino de corte technology pecuária sustainability sustentabilidade mato grosso

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