Determinação de parametros em processos reativos industriais




In this work, a procedure for the estimation of kinetic and heat transfer parameters in fixed bed reactors is proposed. A two-dimensional steady-state pseudo-homogeneous model is developed for the reactor representation, where heat transfer phenomena are taken into account by an effective thermal conductivity and the wall heat transfer coefficienl. Parameter estimations are obtained from a strategy that combines the orthogonal collocation method linked to Marquardt s method, using axial temperature profiles from industrial conditions operated reactors. The pararnetric sensitivity criteria is used to choice the best reactor positions to take experimental measures. The parameter kinetic fit, in the proposed methodology, intended to consider an industrial reactor problem, where differently from a laboratory scale operation, accentuated heat and mass gradients are presenl. The utilization of a factorial design technique allowed to evaluate the effects that heat and mass transfer cause in parameter fit. The proposed methodology was applied to the catalytic oxidation of ethyl alcohol to acetaldehyde on Fe-Mo catalyst, considering that experimental measurements came from simulated profiles obtained from a rigorous modeling at industrial conditions. The results shown the efficiency of the proposed method and the importance of the sensor location as well as the number of sensors in the system identification


calor - transmissão reatores quimicos

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