Detecção de "upward-going" muons no experimento LVD




In this work we present a careful study about the potentiality of the small angle scattering technique and the inverse scattering problem ie., the reconstruction of the particle shape directly from the scattering profile. In this way, we made many simulations to test and analyzed various methods. First I show the general scattering theory, emphasizing the scattering from particles. Next I present a model building computing routine that shows the relationship between the scattering profile and the particle shape. Finally, I apply the three-dimensional reconstruction methods to several models in order to evaluate the power of these methods. This calculation served as a basis to analyze real problems like proteins in solution. As we show in the results, the SAXS technique furnishes interesting results like shape, anisotropy, symmetry and conformational changes of the scattering particles. From the ab initio reconstruction methods used, optimization by simulated annealing plus the introduction of adequate constraints gave the best shape approximation when compared to genetic algorithm results


muons astrofisica de neutrinos neutrinos radiação cosmica de fundo

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