DesnutriÃÃo experimental e treinamento fÃsico: estudo de parÃmetros murinomÃtricos de ratas gestantes e dos conceptos




The period of conception to the birth is characterized by fast growth, replication, cellular differentiation, and maturation of organs and systems. A stimulus or insult when applied at a critical or sensitive period of development results in a long-term effects of on the structure or function of the organism. The present study had as objective establishes a protocol of physical training adapted for female rats and to investigate the repercussion of both undernutrition and physical training in female rats and their offsprings. We used 54 rats initially randomly divided into two groups: non trained (NT) and trained (T). The trained rats were submitted to 8 weeks of physical training in a treadmill. Over the 5th week, rats were mated, and after verified pregnancy, they were submitted either to a normal protein diet (17% casein - nourished), or low-protein diet (8% casein - undernourished) during whole gestation forming four groups: non trained nourished (NT-N), trained nourished (T-N), non trained undernourished (NT-U), and trained undernourished (T-U).. Body weight was evaluated during 8 weeks. On the 1st day post-birth, it was evaluated the number of born nestlings, the number of alive and dead nestlings and the nest weight. Each pup was evaluated as: body weight, latero-lateral axis of skull, antero-posterior axis of skull, longitudinal axis, and length of tail. On the 3rd day post-birth, mothers (n=30) of the 4 groups were killed and organs were removed to evaluate the weight and density: heart, the lungs, kidney, uterus, and brain. Offspings (n=60) also of the 4 groups were killed and their organs were removed to evaluate the weight: heart, the lungs, and brain. Physical training induced changes on murinometric as the weight pre-gestation and the weight and density of the organs. In the pups, both training and low-protein diet were associated to changes in the reduced birth weight and in body axis and in the skull. The result point out that environment stimulus before and during pregnancy, as physical training and undernutrition, alter murinometric parameters in both mother and offsprings


nutrition nutriÃÃo physical exercise perÃodo gestacional nutricao exercÃcio fÃsico ratas pregnancy female rats

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