Deslocamentos Armoriais: da afirmaÃÃo Ãpica do popular na â NaÃÃo Castanhaâ de Ariano Suassuna ao corpohistÃria do Grupo Grial




The Armorial Movement has been having, starting from its officialization (1970) and even before it, the most varied aesthetic results in several artistic fields. However, the most significant set of theoretical formulations about it have always been under the responsability of its creator and main motivator, Ariano Suassuna. This writer has constructed up to now a career as an artist, professor, theoretician and cultural manager, coherent with the armorial principles and its interpretation of the Brazilian culture, identified as a âNaÃÃo Castanhaâ ("Brown Nation"). Our aim, in this work, on the one hand, is to discuss the complementarity between Ariano Suassuna s speech and work focusing on the "epic affirmation of popular identities" (Canclini, 2005) underlying the âNaÃÃo Castanhaâ ("Brown Nation") and, on the other hand, how this affirmation is retrieved and strengthened in the experiences of armorial dance since the 1970 s; but also reformulated by the performances in the trajectory of the Grupo Grial (existing since 1997 and still performing today), through the notion of "body history" (Louppe, 2004), implicated in the whole career of the group and taken as a subject for its latest performances. We consider, in our discussion, a variety of Ariano Suassuna s statements, articles, interviews, but especially his "Brazilian armorial novel", A Pedra do Reino (1971), as well as his thesis as a free docent, A OnÃa Castanha e a Ilha Brasil (1976). In the scope of the dance, we discuss the several attempts to carry out an armorial dance since the 1970 s, especially the investments in the Balà Armorial do Nordeste and in the Balà Popular do Recife; but we focus our attention on the work of the Grupo Grial, mainly in three representative performances of its different phases: A Demanda do Graal DanÃado (1998); As Visagens de Quaderna ao Sol do Reino Encoberto (2000); and Ilha Brasil Vertigem (2006)


body armorial literatura cultural studies teoria literaria danÃa identity corpo estudos culturais identidade dance literature armorial

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