Design vernacular urbano: a produção de artefatos populares em São Paulo como estratégia de comunicação e inserção social




This research intends to investigate the Urban Vernacular Design, and the relations established taking it as a starting point, with socity and culture. We understand that: Urban Vernacular Design is a denomination given to popular artifacts created by an individual or a community in order to attend to its basic, concrete needs in the struggle for survival. The insertion of this research in the area of communication is justified by the fact that the artifacts of Urban Vernacular Design are analyzed as agents of communication between the producer/user, and the medium where they were generated, and, in a more all-encompassing form, in the relationship established between the artifacts and the consumer and observing public. The hypotheses for our research is that if urban vernacular design, born of the interchanges between cultures and individuals in the big urban centers, can be characterized as a communication and social insertion strategy. The general goal of this research is to investigate the place of the Vernacular Design in urban culture, from an exploratory methodology and bibliographical research, identifying the existing products, the needs that generated them, the modes of creation/production and contextualizing them as hybrid artifacts. . In order to conceptualize our study subject, we use several authors that researched this theme, as Fernanda de Abreu Cardoso, Rafael Cardoso Denis, and others. In our investigation on the Urban Vernacular Design, we seek to guide ourselves through the Semiotics of Culture, of the School of Tartu, from the work of Iuri Lotman, regarding the notion of text, also studied by Ivan Bistryna. To understand vernacular design as a process of cultural hybridization, we based ourselves in authors as Nestor Garcia Canclini, in Culturas Híbridas; Massimo Canevacci, in Sincretismos: uma exploração das hibridações culturais, and Peter Burke, in Hibridismo Cultural. When we characterize the city of São Paulo as the place of urban vernacular design, proposing connections between the artifacts and its middle, from the viewpoint of perception, memory, and interpretation of the city, we use as reference the works Leitura sem Palavras, by Lucrécia DAlessio Ferrara, Cidade &Alma, by James Hillman, and Pour une Anthropologie des Images, by Hans Belting


estratégia de comunicação design vernacular inclusão social vernacular design artesanato social inclusion hibridismo cultural cultural hybridism comunicacao -- aspectos sociais comunicacao vendedores ambulantes -- aspectos sociais communication strategy design

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