Design, inovaÃÃo e arranjos produtivos moveleiros das micros e pequenas empresas: o caso dos pernambucanos




This work has the objective of contribute for the incentive a culture about innovation and design development in Micro and Small Companies, especially those inserted in Local Productive Arrangements. The purpose of the research is to characterize and to point the insert of the design and of the innovation, through the formation of Local Productive Arrangements, as differential strategic for the furniture companies. Starting from the understanding of the global market phenomena, design, technology and innovation the theoretical foundations was structured for the understanding of the object of study: the relationship between the design and the innovation in Micro and Small Companies in the furniture factory sector in Pernambuco. The research defends the hypothesis that innovation and design can be used for the companies as differential strategic, and that the formation of Productive Arrangements contributes to its success in a context of extremely competitive market. For the accomplishment of the research the deductive approach methods were used and of comparative procedure, this second in a character especially descriptive. At first were researched 18 companies from the furniture factories centers in Pernambuco, using the estructured exploratory field research, with focus in the verification of the characteristics, knowledge level and use of programs of design fomentation and innovation. As comparison element, in the second sampling were researched nationals furniture business companies centers of recognized reference in the formation of Local Productive Arrangements. The result of the research shows, among other, that the companies of small load accomplish little investment in design and innovation, and they ignore the several government programs of fomentation addressed to the section. The final recommendations evidence the need of the formation of Local Productive Arrangements as inductor element of competitiveness for Micro and Small Companies in the furniture sector from Pernambuco


furniture sector local productive arrangements setor moveleiro innovation globalization micro e pequenas empresas inovaÃÃo desenho industrial arranjos produtivos locais design small brazilians companies globalizaÃÃo design

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