Design de brinquedos: estudo dos brinquedos utilizados nos Centros de Educação Infantil do município de São Paulo / Toy design: study of toys used in Child Educational Centers in the city of São Paulo




This is a study about toys and its influence on the learning process of pre-school children. To talk over the child development process, it was used Jean Piaget?s concepts as delineated in his sequential developing phases. It was considered, also, the aspects that characterize the toy and its many ways to interact with the child. As a case study, it was made a toy gathering on three grade schools, aiming to check if they answer its main requirements of each age group of the enrolled children. This study was done by interviewing teachers and principals and making a photographic register of the different toys available on each classroom. The outcome were an exquisite analysis and discussion material that allowed some reflections and suggestions over different possibilities that the toy may offer for each step on child developing. It is not intended to cover every discussion over toy uses, but to contribute with value questions, not only under the perspective from whom promotes playing activities, but, over all, for whom creates and develops new toys.


desenvolvimento infantil leaning techniques play child development design brincadeira brinquedo aprendizagem design toy

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