Desenvolvimento social e programas de eletrificação rural de não atendidos / Social development and rural electrification programs not met




The research work aims to study and provide a new policy of rural electrification in the State of Sao Paulo, based on the following question: "the State of Sao Paulo must maintain its own policy of rural electrification after the universal law, nº 10.438/2002, the Light for All program and also the set of resolutions by ANEEL on the matter?" The approach to the subject is based on the authors experience on the subject of rural electrification, especially through programs developed in the state since 1996, under the management or coordination of CERESP, organ of the SSE. The regulation of time provided that the person should pay for the cost of grid connection to the utilities power grids, therefore the programs developed so far, dealt with complex financial systems of these connections. The innovations of these programs contributed to the implementation of the law universal nº 10438/2002 and the Light for All program. The Light for All Program is universal and so different from that determined by ANEEL Resolution 456/2000, where the benefits granted to persons enrolled in the program are the most comprehensive of those allowed by current regulation. Research shows that this is the differential that allows the real universal access to public electricity in rural areas, as appropriate. The program will end in December 2010, leaving it to dealers only meet the criteria of universality. The work shows great possibility of exclusion from access to electricity from that time, and proposes giving the state a survey indicating that enable paths to Sao Paulo to anticipate the consequences that come with the end of the Light for All Program. Therefore, it is a research that involves work experience and academic knowledge.


desenvolvimento social development and energy. eletrificação rural energetic planning energia e desenvolvimento. planejamento energético política pública social development public policy rural electrification

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