Desenvolvimento regional e políticas públicas: o caso do Projeto Amanhã da Companhia de Desenvolvimento dos Vales do São Francisco e Parnaíba / Regional Development and Public Politics




The work argues the concepts of development and its impact in he Brazilian public administration, as well as the adopted public politics. Its central idea inhabits in the concepts of the formation of the human capital and social capital as base of the developmental politics whose objective must be the improvement of the conditions of life of the citizens. The research includes the study of the case ? Projeto Amanhã, that it has as main objective the promotion of the development, by means of education, of young inhabitants of the agricultural zone in the region delimited by the river basins of the Rivers São Francisco and Parnaíba. The project is one of the programs promoted by CODEVASF ? Companhia de Desenvolvimento dos Vales do São Francisco e Parnaíba, public company, linked to the National Integration Ministry, that, through the promotion of the productive activities, searches he development by means of the economic and social inclusion, allied to the sustainable use of the natural resources of the region. The interesting particularitity is perceived in the Project to add to the question of the local development the thesis of the education, what it allowed to observe that public politics of development with source in the education are, potentially, more effective, efficient and efficacious.


public politics desenvolvimento regional políticas públicas administração pública public management regional development

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