Desenvolvimento regional e a formação de pólos tecnológicos : o exemplo de Londrina




This thesis´ main target is analyze and discuss the process of growth poles formation and regional development and the evolution of some urban centers of Parana as future technological poles. Taking like basis an initial sample of demographic basis of cities within population between 50 and 500 thousand inhabitants. Some indicators were used like energy consumption by activity sector, number of formal jobs, GDP (Gross Domestic Product), addicted value, and too, the presence of public or private institutions of superior teaching to identify the infrastructure of scientific and teaching basis and the respective geographic localization. It was observed that innovation, actually used concept in regional development researches, was one of important factors in definition and in the co-relation of characteristics is possible verified in geographic localization. It was possible to demonstrate that is observed a process of formation and consolidation of a technological pole in Londrina, confirmed by presence of more than a hundred of companies united in Local Productive Arrangement – Information Technology LPA – IT, one of important basis through technological development of Londrina.


geografia econômica planejamento regional desenvolvimento regional administração e desenvolvimento tecnológico economic geography regional planning regional development administration and development

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