Desenvolvimento e sustentabilidade: novas interfaces para a luta quilombola


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The context of growing consensus on the unsustainability of the model of production and consumption in contemporary society has opened spaces to discuss a new model of development, one that is socially just and environmentally sustainable, by promoting a process of identification, visualization and valorization of alternative forms of relationship between man and nature. From this perspective, traditional communities have been distinguished by their different forms of social organization and appropriation of natural resources. Despite many achievements in the legal framework, the realization of their rights is still hampered by many factors and opposing actors. The case of quilombo communities appears to be emblematic in this sense. Although the Federal Constitution recognizes quilombos property rights over their territories, there has been no guarantee of these communities permanence, due to their social, political and environmental vulnerability. This complex scenario, characteristic of so-called socio-environmental conflicts, refers to the theoreticalframework of the Political Ecology and the Environmental Justice movement. For empirical research, we selected two quilombo communities in the estate of Paraíba: Paratibe, located in the capital of the estate, and Senhor do Bonfim, located in the rural area of the municipality of Areia. The methodologychosen,called ethnography of socio-environmental conflicts (LITTLE, 2006),proves to be appropriate as we recognize that anthropology, in addition to maintaining a strong affinity with the quilombola theme, can contribute greatly to the collection and interpretation of data. While using landscape as prime unit of analysis, instead of concentrating research in a particular social group, the proposed methodology focuses on the socio-environmental conflict, beyond the local level, by listing the various actors involved, their interests, strategies, alliances and quotas of power, including considering the role of "natural agency". With this work, we intend to point out how the quilombola struggle falls in the current debate on development and sustainability that permeates all sectors of society. To do so,it is necessary not to restrain to technical and economic aspects, but also consider historical, social, cultural and political factors. It is important to understand that the adverse social and environmental impacts, even affecting people and groups unequally, affect the whole society. In this sense, from the quilombola example, we aim to point out that it is only through a review of concepts and an interdisciplinary approach to the contemporary problems that we may aspire to a more just, democratic and sustainable society, in all respects.


análise da paisagem desenvolvimento e sustentabilidade conflitos socioambientais comunidades quilombolas ciencias exatas e da terra quilombo communities socio-environmental conflicts development and sustainability landscape analysis

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