Desenvolvimento e avaliação de um hipertexto sobre Hidroponia para o ensino de Ciências, 7 e 8 séries




This work presents a hipertext about Hidropony, developed, for to be utilized like educational stuff for the Education of Sciences, 7 and 8 series of the Fundamental Education, having like Referencial the Cognitiv Theory of Ausubel. The hipertext was developed utilizing the program PowerPoint, from the Microsoft, by be this distributed with the computers supplied by the municipal and state governments to the schools. The evaluation of the hipertext went deed, by means of interviews they are structured, with ten professors; of general way, everybody found the valid proposal and did critics that permitted the revolution of the hipertext original. The positive aspects presented by the professors was: the fact of the hipertext permit the peculiar elaboration of classes and of prompt changes in the traditional form of teach; of contribute to bind the attention of the students; permit interteinment; be interdisciplinary; present inter-relations between the concepts and be an educational stuff contexted. The aspects negative film strip aimed referred to some aspects technicians of the hipertext: absence of sound; some colors of bottom that complicated the reading; historical absence of aspects. Equally, it stayed shown up the need of instructions more detailed about the utilization of the hipertext by the professors, what also should be carried out in the overornamented of the hipertext.


ensino de ciências hipertexto educacao education of sciences hidroponia hidropony hipertext

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