Desenvolvimento e aplicação de procedimento metodológico em suporte ao planejamento participativo para redução de perda de solos em pequenas bacias hidrográficas com emprego da EUPS


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The agrosilvipastoral activity has impacted negatively the environment worldwide, promoting soil erosion and sediment settling in water bodies. The Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) estimates the rates of laminar erosion (A; in ton/acre/year) by the multiplication of six parameters: A = RKLSCP (R: rainfall erosivity factor; K = soil erodibility factor; S: slope length factor; L: slope gradient factor; C: use and occupation of land factor; and P: conservationist practice factor). Thus, it can be used for the planning of occupation, use and management of land through the proposition of alternative values of C and P, with the assistance of Geographic Information Systems GIS. The literature indicates that the development of systemic rural research/extension in the area of erosion control should be adapted to the farmers reality, and undertaken in their farms and with the participation. Thus, the present work aims to contribute to the management of watersheds with the purpose of promote the reduction of soil losses and related impacts, by the development of a participatory methodological procedure based on the employment of the USLE and SIG. Among the main themes and aspects which fundamented the development of the aforementioned procedure: utilisation of USLE for the estimation of soil loses rates under two approaches, in terms of modelling without (conventional) and with the involvement of social participation in support to the determination of the C and P factors; mobilisation of stakeholders to the modelling process; capacity-building of the participants of the modelling process; integration of specialised and non-specialised knowledge (local); and iterativity as a way of process improvement. The application of the proposed methodological procedure to a pilot watershed, situated in the municipality of Itarana, Espírito Santo State Brazil, showed that it can used to assist: the development of participatory planning for the reduction of soil losses in small watersheds taking into consideration the reality of each farmer, socio-cultural specificity, and the iteration of knowledge (specialised and non-specialised); considering the capacity of investment of each farmer, the dimensioning of the required additional financial investment to be made by governmental institutions in order to achieve the predefined aims of reduction of soil losses for the watershed. The case study showed also that the greater effort required for the application of EUPS in a participatory manner is be compensated by the production of more realistic scenarios of soil losses, in comparison to those produced via conventional approaches and due to the resulting sensibilisation and involvement of farmers in soil conservation practices/actions


recursos hídricos engenharias extensão rural sistemas de informação geográfica solos - conservação equação universal de perda de solos geographic information systems soil conservation education, rural

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