Desenvolvimento e Análise Avaliativa de uma Capacitação em Violência Intrafamiliar contra Crianças e Adolescentes para Profissionais do Programa de Saúde da Família. / Development and Evaluation Analysis of a Training Program in Domestic Violence against Children and Adolescents for Professionals of Family Health Program.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Objectives: To develop and evaluate a training program on intrafamilial violence against children and adolescents for community health workers and nurses from the Family Health Program (FHP). Methods: The training program was applied to all FHP teams (n=7) from Embu city-São Paulo State and two FHP teams from Fortaleza city-Ceará State. Fifty-nine professionals (50 community health workers, eight nursing assistants and one nurse) were trained in Embu, and 37 professionals (30 community health workers and seven nurses) were trained in Fortaleza. Professionals were trained in groups (20 participants per group in average), being three groups from Embu and two from Fortaleza. The training program included 27 hours, divided in nine workshop sections (three-hour weekly meetings) conducted by a pair of trained instructors, based on the steps described in the training manual. The evaluation of knowledge acquisition and change in attitudes was based on case reports by participants obtained in three points in time (T0 - before training, T1 - one week after training, and T2 - three months after training). The evaluation followed three thematic axes: (1) case identification, (2) gathering of resources for notification, and (3) gathering of resources for the follow-up of families. Results: In total, 71 cases of intrafamilial violence against children and adolescents were reported by participants, but 22 of them did not report any cases. Resistance to report cases was observed among some professionals, and identification was restricted to severe cases. Regarding the ability of gathering resources for notification and follow-up of children/adolescents victims of intrafamilial violence, it was possible to identify three different professional profiles: (1) those who initially report cases with referral to the Tutorial Council, but were not intending to follow them up; (2) those who report cases without mentioning decisions taken and are inclined to notify, but do not seem inclined to follow the families up; (3) those who initially report cases without mentioning decisions taken and remain reluctant about the notification, but are inclined to follow-up cases they might identify in the future. Conclusion: Professionals that have better absorbed the content from the training program steps were those who spontaneously reported cases from their daily experience, revealing to be already sensitized and prepared to deal with the thematic of violence. Because each professional profile requires a different approach from the training program, it must be tailored to the needs of participants in order to be effective.


training violência doméstica maus-tratos infantis programa de saúde da família capacitação profissional estudos de avaliação psiquiatria domestic violence family health program evaluation studies

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