Desenvolvimento de uma membrana alternativa, nao reabsorvivel, para uso em regeneração tecidual guiada (RTG)




The development of an alternative low cost membrane for use in guided tissue regeneration (GTR) is presented. The membrane is prepared fiom a 200 `mu´m thick cellulose substrate, embedded in epoxy resin. The filler materiais `CaCO POT. 3´ and ZnO were used to attain the flexibility and rigidity necessary to keep the periodontal space. The inorganic formulation of the composite membrane was achieved fiom the analysis of the granulometric distribution curve. No liberation of inorganic or organic residues is detected. The membrane was also checked: for the resistance to tear, small angle bending flexibility, rigidity and thickness. In conclusion the developed material presents: I) the inert material features, even in situations of high aggressive chemical medium; II) the relative tear resistance twice higher that found for the commercial membrane used for comparison; III) the resistance to rupture in the small angle bending diameters and IV) the rigidity enough to keep the periodontal gap suitable for the bone regeneration using the GTR


odontopediatria periodontia

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