Desenvolvimento de um sistema computacional para utilização em procedimentos de controle de qualidade em equipamentos mamográficos / Development of a computational system for quality control procedures on mammographic equipment




The present work consists on developing a computational methodology to provide information regarding to mammographic equipment quality evaluation. This investigation have taken into account, beyond the required operational parameters, such as kVp, electrical current, focal point, dose, exposition time, half-value layer, the influence of the film digitizer utilized for digitization process on the images to be evaluated by the computational scheme, either this a system of direct or indirect digital acquisition. Like so, it was elaborated an image pre-processing protocol to compensate the digitization effect on digital image, before the evaluation of quality control parameters through itself. Simultaneously to the development of the necessary software to the system, a radiographic phantom was developed to be used for achievement of either the images to be processed by the computational model, as operational parameters data. The system was developed taking calibrated mammographic equipment and a precise measurement instrument as references, besides, it was tested in other mammographic equipment in operation on clinics and hospitals. Results had shown consistent with the comparative analyses using those references, which can turn this system a useful tool for evaluation of mammography quality.


digitizers quality control on medical images wiener filter processamento digital de imagens digitalizadores controle de qualidade em imagens médicas digital image processing mamografia filtro de wiener mammography

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