Desenvolvimento de um simulador PVT para caracterizar misturas de hidrocarbonetos




In this work a simulator is developed to model the phase behavior of reservoir hydrocarbon mixtures. The simulator consists of a computer program, that is based on equations that represent the phase behavior of the mixture, at equilibrium, under flash and differential liberation processes and various pressure and temperature conditions. The Peng-Robinson EOS is used to predict the phase behavior of the mixture. We also propose a methodology for the automatic fitting of EOS parameters for phase behavior matching. Critical properties of the heaviest, C+, fraction are obtained from available correlations and fitting of EOS parameters, na and nb, for C H4 and C+ as well as of the binary interaction coefficient, bCHi-C+ are performed according to the following procedure : First, keeping the theoretical values of na and nb, we calculate the interaction coefficient bCHi-C+ that matches the saturation pressure of the mixture. In a second stage, the parameters na and nb for the C H 4 and c+ fractions are fitted through a non-linear leasts squares regression technique to match PVT experimental data in the one-phase region. The above procedure was used to adjust the Peng-Robinson EOS to four reservoir hydrocarbon fluid samples, which include gas condensate and volatile oils. Phase behavior in the two-phaseo region predicted with the EOS was verified to match PVT laboratory data obtained under flash and differentialliberation processes. It was verified that the interaction coefficient, bCHi-C+ is the relevant parameter for saturation pressure matching. Analysis of regressed parameters indicate, in alI four applications, that relevant parameters in the non-linear regression fitting are na and nb af the C H4, fraction


hidrocarbonetos engenharia do petroleo

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