Desenvolvimento de um modelo computacional para avaliaÃÃes dosimÃtricas em ratos




Rats are commonly used as experimental models in preclinical tests in Nuclear Medicine. Therefore, it is of great importance to accomplish precise absorbed dose estimates in these small animals, for explanation and control of potential radiation toxicity, observed during the tests. In this work, a tomographic model of an adult male Wistar rat was developed starting from a group of 155 axial CT images of a 310 g and 100 days old specimen. After connecting the developed rat model to the MCNP-4C transport code, absorbed fraction (AF) calculations for photon and electron internal sources of several energies were performed. All data related to the developed phantom have been made available for the scientic community, as well as all estimated AF values, which could be used to obtain absorbed dose estimates - following the MIRD methodology - in rats similar in size to the presently developed phantom. In most cases, the calculated organ masses in this study agree relatively well with those presented by Stabin et al (2006) for a 248 g voxel-based Sprague-Dawley rat phantom. However, comparisons made between the AF results for these two models indicate that anatomic variations in these small animals have a notable eect on the estimated absorbed fraction values. Several possibilities of continuity for this work were shimmered, particularly involving applications of the developed model for more specic calculations in Nuclear Medicine


fraÃÃo absorvida rat absorbed fraction rato mcnp dosimetria engenharia nuclear dosimetry mcnp tomographic model modelo tomogrÃfico

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