Desenvolvimento de um jogo didático virtual para o aprendizado do conceito de mol / Development of a virtual game for the learning of the concept of mol


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




A fact verified by teachers involved with Chemistry education is that the concept of mol, extremely important to the teaching of chemistry, makes up an obstacle to the learning process since the referred concept requires some basic knowledge which is not always so well defined in the students\ cognitive structure. In order to attenuate this problem, a software was developed based on the difficulties arisen in the interviews with teachers and students and supported by Leontiev\ s theory of activity. The objective of this paper is to investigate whether this resource could help as a mediator in the learning of mol concept. The game comprises three stages, two of which exploit basic math concepts such as recognizing formulas, calculations involving powers and proportional relations whereas the third one really approaches the concept of mol. Secondary school students made use of the software and the data was collected and analyzed from both the students\ written answers to the tests as well as their actions during the game. The results obtained, the observations made during the game and the comments of the participants clearly point out that the software is effective and motivational, showing also its educative and ludic aspects, which contributed to the learning of the said concept.


conceito de mol concept of mol didatic game jogo didático software software

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