Desenvolvimento de um ambiente para construção de animações interativas : combinando VRML e Java




The deveIopment of an environment for interactive animations building is the subject of this thesis. This environment allows that, in an easy way and with simpIe information, an animation is created including a kind of movement and user s interaction capacity. lnteractive animations are defined for having their behaviour controlled by user s actions. The animations, built by the deveIoped environment, present the interactivity based on the controI of parameters used in movement determination. In this kind of animation the user interacts with a graphicaI interface, linked with the animated scene, from where he controIs the movement. VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) is the Ianguage used in this thesis to define interactive animations. Among other features, it links processing capacity to the scenes, making them more "intelligent". This is the feature which makes possibIe the combination between VRML and Java Ianguage and, by this combination, the interactive animations are gotten. The process of interactive animations conception may be compIex, invoIving knowIedge of modeIing techniques and programming technoIogies. The environment was deveIoped to tum the process easier to the animators, summarizing it to the definition of movement and its association to a VRML scene object. ...Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic digital thesis or dissertations


interfaces (computador) ineterfaces graficas de usuario (sistema de computador) animação por computador

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