Desenvolvimento de teste de reconhecimento de fala, com ruido, em portugues do Brasil, para aplicação em audiologia ocupacional




A test material was developed consisting of nine monosyllabic 25-word lists in Brazilian Portuguese and a speech weighted modulated noise, recorded on compact disk. This material was tested on normal hearing people and normative data and speech recognition curves were obtained, in quiet and in noisy conditions, with word scores and phoneme scores. This speech test is intended to be adequate for handicap assessment of noise exposed workers. With 21 normal hearing non-experienced subjects and the speech test in quiet condition, the mean 50% recognition was obtained at the leveI 19.1 dB SL, on word scores and 15.1 dE SL, on phoneme scores; the recognition curves had a slope of 3.4 %/dB on word scores and 4.0 %/dB on phoneme scores. With 30 normal hearing subjects and the speech test in noisy condition, the mean 50% recognition was obtained at the signallnoise ratio -10.5 dE on word scores, and 13.8 dB, on phoneme scores; the recognition curves have got a slope of 5.0 %/dB on word scores and 6.3 %/dB on phoneme scores. The equivalence of the 9 monosyllabic lists, determined first, by their phonetic features,. was verified in tests in 8 lists, at a comfortable presentation leveI, both in quiet and in noise. When presented close to 50% recognition leveI, the equivalence was verified only in 4 lists in quiet and 6 lists in noise. Words with anterior or central vowels and with rncatives and stop IdI and ItI consonants had better recognition scores then those without them. Speech recognition scores in noise with monosyllabic 25-word lists are recommended for everyday clinical use. Further studies are necessary for setting normative data on hearing impaired workers


surdez provocada por ruido audiologia fala - inteligibilidade

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