Desenvolvimento de sistemas de informação do hospital colônia Adauto Botelho : fatores que interferem na fase de levantamento dos requisitos


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The health sector is considered complex as it must meet the social purpose and its essentiality in delivering services, and as such it requires Information Systems (IS) to aid organizations in their decision making. Under-used and non-integrated systems, whose proliferation is helpless and subjected to constant complaints by users, have called for the development of this present research in an attempt to verify factors affecting planning of ISs at Hospital Colônia Adauto Botelho (HCAB). This analysis contributed for optimizing the existent ISs and for the planning of new systems. The initial phase, which is determinant of the start of IS, is that of its development cycle, that is the assessment of needs, and which is also called analysis of requisites with emphasis on human dimension, mainly those regarding the user needs. This phase was based on the study of a qualitative case. Ten professionals working at HCAB were interviewed by means of a structured questionnaire aimed at identifying aspects related to the perception of the subject in regard to the usefulness of the IS. Also, the exploration of factors interfering in the assessment of requisites and indication for changes in the creation and maintenance of new systems were considered. Results evidenced that the main aspects that interfere in the requisite assessment are due to the fact that the implantation of the IS was made without taking into account the needs of the users and also due to a lack of support from the directors and from the informatics sector, with no users engagement throughout the process. It is concluded that there must be a defined planning and development towards this specific purpose to serve as a guide in the adoption of and IS, as well as a reevaluation of existent systems in order to have them organized to meet the informational needs of users and to support the sharing of information within the organization environment. As a contribution, suggestions refer to priority for the planning and development of ISs supported by the Informatics Department and a focus on the needs of users and of the organization, and the inclusion of the human dimension in the planning as perceived by means of meetings, committees, and continuous debates by and among the users of the organization. The creation of an IS that takes into consideration, from the very beginning of the process, the users, the culture and the characteristics of the organization, tends to clarify the intentions and the benefits of the management of a system and prevents eventual resistances to the process which could affect the use and lead to failure during the implantation and maintenance of such systems.


levantamento de requisitos informação no ambiente hospitalar sistemas de informação information systems acessment of requisites information within the hospital environment

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