Desenvolvimento de produtos em pequenas e médias empresas de base tecnológica: práticas de gestão no setor de automação de controle de processos.




Proficiency in management activities undertaken in product development processes is regarded as a key competitive advantage for companies, particularly for small andm medium sized technology-based firms that have the offering of high-tech products as their main market differential factor. Considering this context, and based on a surveystyle research, the present study aims to promote an analysis of the practices carried out in the management of product development processes of small and medium sized technology-based companies of process control automation. Among the main results observed, it was verified that the most important source of innovation for these firms is the application of their internally developed technology into their own products. Furthermore, the management techniques incorporated in the project and predevelopment phases, especially those implemented to obtain the product characteristics, the synchrony between the company strategy and projects, and the adequate translation of market demands into products, compose the major factors related to the success of each firms production, according to the research accomplished in the present study.


empresas de base tecnológica small and medium sized technology-based firms gestão de processo de desenvolvimento de produtos process control automation desenvolvimento de novos produtos engenharia do produto processos de fabricação - automação management product development process

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