Desenvolvimento de modelo dinÃmico para o biospeckle / Development of a Dynamic Model for the Biospeckle.




In this work we developed a simple microscopic dynamic model to describe the main characteristics of the phenomenon known as dynamic speckle, or biospeckle. The biospeckle is an interference pattern produced when a sample of biological origin is illuminated with coherent light. The characteristics of the biospeckle have been investigated as possible tools for assessing the quality of products of biological origin. Our model, despite its simpliicity, can reproduce qualitatively the main characteristics of actual biospeckle. We were able to show the existence of strong correlations between variations in a microscopic parameter, associated with the movement of particles on the biological surface, with changes in a macroscopic parameter which measures the changes in the dynamic interference pattern. We have shown that this correlation only occurs within a limited range of values of the microscopic parameter. We also show that our model is capable of describing non-uniform samples and samples consisting of more than one kind of particle.


modelagem de sistemas biologicos

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