Desenvolvimento de Métodos e Meios para a Calibração Dinâmica de Transdutores de Gases de Efeito Estufa.




Kyoto Protocol aims at reducing Greenhouse Effect Gases (GEG) emissions by the implementation of projects for clean development that count with the investment of Billions of dollars. Techniques and instruments for measure the GEG variation in atmosphere are used to quantify emissions and give solid base to these projects. In order to have legitimacy the instrumentation used during the measurement process must be reliable. The objective of this work is to present a new methodology for calibrating carbon dioxide transducers statically and dynamically. To accomplish this objective a calibration device was developed. The transducer physical model was mathematically modeled in order to identify the development parameters and project the calibration device named Device of Fast Exposure to Emissions or DERE. This device was tested and the experimental results compared with numerical and analytical solutions to prove that the methodology proposed and the device developed are adequate for static and dynamic calibration of CO2 transducers.


efeito estufa engenharia mecanica dióxido de carbono gases de efeito estufa metrologia dinâmica transdudores

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