Desenvolvimento de metodologia em SIG para zoneamento ecológico: estudo de caso da Bacia Ribeirão do Gama-DF.






ABSTRACT: The permanent preservation areas were created to protect the environment, decreasing processes as erosion often caused by anthropic interferences. The Brazilian Forest Law stablished criteria to the delimitation of these areas. An area zoning presents special areas where permanent preservation areas are inclued. This way, in the present paper was performed the mapping of the permanent preservation areas in order to accomplish the future zoning of the watershed called Basin of stream of Gama. According to the Federal Law, permanent preservation areas on this watershed were found along rivers margins and their streams and plateau's edges. The mapping of these areas was performed by means of the IDRISI software using to the delimitation of the watershed, generation of distance map along rivers margins, generation of the Digital Elevation Model, generation of shope's map and re-classification of this map. As a result it was obtained that the permanent preservation areas represented 6% of the watershed.


meio ambiente caracterização brasil preservação zoneamento ecológico recurso natural sistema de informação geográfica environments preservation natural resources ecology geographic information systems brazil

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