"Desenvolvimento de catalisadores de rutênio suportado em CeO2/Al2O3 para a reação de reforma a vapor e oxidativa de etanol" / "CeO2/Al2O3-supported ruthenium catalysts for the steam and oxidative reforming of ethanol"




Aiming at hydrogen production, as a source of renewable energy, Ru/CeO2-Al2O3 catalysts were studied in ethanol steam reform and ethanol oxidative reforming. The effect of the support and metal/support interaction was verified on the activity and selectivity of the reactions. The supports and catalysts were characterized by x-rays dispersive spectroscopy (XDS), to verify the qualitative distribution of the metallic phase on the supports, x-rays diffraction (XRD), for identification of the crystalline oxide phases, spectroscopy in the region of the ultraviolet and the visible (UV-vis NIR), to evaluate the electronic transitions present in the material, and temperature programmed reduction (TPR), for evaluation of the reductive phases. According to the catalytic tests, all catalysts were active for both reactions under the temperatures of 400, 600 and 700ºC, where the ethanol conversion increased together with the increase of the temperature and, with the addition of CeO2 to the catalytic support. The 3%Ru/CeO2 catalyst was the most active for ethanol steam reforming and the 3%Ru/25%CeO2-Al2O3 catalyst was the most active for ethanol oxidative reforming. The higher selectivity for H2 occurred at 600ºC for both reactions, excluding the 3%Ru/20%CeO2-Al2O3 catalyst, which was more selective at 700ºC for steam reforming, and the 3%Ru/CeO2 catalyst, which was more selective for the oxidative reforming at 400ºC.


ethanol reforming ruthenium catalyst ceo2/al2o3 support catalisadores de rutênio

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