Desempenho térmico de edificações unifamiliares de interesse social : estudo de casos em Imbituba - SC




The present study evaluates six low cost buildings of Imbitubas rural zone in SC (Brazil). The main purpose it is to assess the thermal performance of the selected cases, all of them with different building envelopes, like: apparent solid brick, wood and masonry. To achieve the results, the external and internal temperatures of these houses were monitored; the building components were characterized and occupations scheduled set. A Brazilian technical standards aid a verification of the adequacy of the local climate, classified the thermal performance, and also allowed an assessment a bioclimatic and degree-hours analysis. Such methods were used because, besides bringing us an effective understanding of the thermal performance of these buildings, they were capable of checking the consistency of responses regarding the adoption of the standard NBR 15575 (ABNT, 2008). Through normative references, the building components were characterized, the houses were figured out the suitability to the local climate, and have classified their thermal performance. After further analysis, it was possible to verify that evaluations based only on the indoor and outdoor temperatures do not seem as realistic as, for example, a bioclimatic analysis, which also includes the relative humidity in his diagnostic. Finally, it was concluded that a clear vision for the classification of a building thermal performance, one must observe the highest amount of possible influencing factors, such as: the thermo-physical properties of building components; layout, orientation and occupation of the building; and the temperatures and relative humidity maximum, medium and minimum internal and external representative periods. Thus, we could better understand what led to more results and the factors of greater or lesser relevance to the case.


desempenho térmico engenharia civil habitações rurais engenharia civil arquitetura de habitação - imbituba (sc)

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