Desempenho produtivo do camarão cinza Litopenaeus vannamei, utilizando técnicas de povoamento direto e indireto




The techniques of direct (Pdir) and indirect (Pind) settlement employed in the growthout of marine shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei, were analyzed, in order to determine their efficiency in the productive system of agribusiness. Data of 270 cultures from a commercial shrimp farm located in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, were used to relate the variables of management: time of culture (TC), stocking density (DE), pond area (VA), month of settlement (MP), year of settlement (AP), supplier of laboratory post larva (LFPL), direct settlement (Pdir) and indirect settlement (Pind), through the technique of multiple linear regression to estimate the parameters that influenced the cultures , with varying responses: production (PRD) productivity (PRDT), feed conversion factor (FCA), final weight (PMF) and survival rate (TS). These variables were related in terms of stocking density (DE) and days of culture (DC). For variables, PMF and FCA, the settlement form had not any influence (P ≥ 0.05). The other variables there was significant difference (P <0.05) of 6.8% and 6.4% more, on survival and productivity, respectively, when conducted Pind. For production, although the system Pind has given an increase of 6.0%, it no portment statistical difference (P ≥ 0.05).


shrimp camarão cinza bercário growing regressão recursos pesqueiros e engenharia de pesca regression nursery

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