Desempenho de motor ciclo diesel, alimentado com biodiesel de soja e de oliva / The performance of diesel engine fed with biodiesel of soy oil and olive.




The objective of this work was to compare the acting of a diesel engine using biodiesel of soy oil (B100) and olive (B100), in comparison with the diesel oil. The parameters were analyzed: effective power and reduced power, rise, specific and energy consumption of fuel, efficiency term-mechanics and volumetric. An experiment was installed entirely with delineate accidentally (DIC) in factorial diagram, accomplished variance analysis and applied test of Tukey at the level of 5%. They were researched five rotation levels in four repetitions. The accomplished tests showed the viability of operation of a motor cycle diesel with fuels substitute, B100 soy and olive. The work was accomplished in the dependences of the Department of Engineering of the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA), in Lavras, Minas Gerais, Brazil, in May of 2007.


maquinas e implementos agricolas

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