Desempenho agronômico, características fisico-quimicas e reação em genótipos de maracujazeiro-azedo cultivados no Distrito Federal / Agronomical performance, phusicochemical characterristics and reaction to diseases in genotypes of passion fruit cultived in Distrito Federal




The objective of the present work was to evaluate the agronomical performace, physicochemical characteristics and the reaction of genotypes of passion fruit (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa) to verrugose (Cladosporium herbarium Link.), to septoriose (Septoria passiflorae Lown), to anthracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporiodes Penz.), to bacteriosis (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv passiflorae) and to virosis of the hardening of fruits (CABMV) the culture in Distrito Federal at different times of evaluation. The experiment was carried on in Fazenda Água Limpa (FAL) from Universidade de Brasília (UnB). The delineation of randomized blocks was used with four repetitions, six treatments (genotypes), seven useful plants per share in an area of 0,8 ha. The evaluated genotypes were: Rubi gigante, EC-0-3, EC-L-7, RC-03, Redondão and Gigante amarelo, totalizing 1454 plants per hectare. All the genotypes were productive, with exception of genotype RC-03, out of the 17 harvests. In the general evaluation, the EC-L-7 presented the biggest length (8,59 cm), while the Rubi gigante the smallest. The Redondão genotype was the one that got the biggest diameter. In the relation length/diameter, the genotypes Rubi gigante and Redondão presented the smallest values. The genotype EC-L-7 presented the biggest thickness of the rind. The genotype Rubi gigante presented the biggest value of Brix and in relation to SST/AT, the genotype EC-3-0 presented the biggest relation, being the smallest got by the Redondão genotype. There was a strong and positive correlation between the diameter, the length and the average weight of the fruits; the average weight of juice and the titulavel acidity (AT) as well as the number of seeds per fruit, the average weight of the pulp and number of seeds. The reaction to septoriose was inferior in June (120 days). The fruits had been considered moderately resistant as to the reaction severity to verrugose at the four evaluated seasons. The genotypes Redondão and EC-3-0 presented superior results to the reaction of severity to verrugose and septoriose. The genotypes Gigante amarelo and Rubi gigante had been considered resistant, as to the severity of the illness anthracnose, in February/2005; the genotype Redondão was considered resistant, also to the illness anthracnose, however in March/2005. The genotypes Redondão, Rubi gigante and EC-3-0 had been considered resistant, but the genotypes Gigante amarelo and EC-L-7 presented moderate resistance. There were no significant differences as to the reactions of severity among the genotypes in the reaction to bacteriosis of the fruit, all presented moderate resistance; the same was observed among the five evaluated genotypes in xvi relation to the reaction of incidence of verrugose, anthracnose, septoriose and bacteriosis. There was a positively strong correlation for severity to Anthracnose with incidence of bacteriosis. The incidence and severity the CABMV had been evaluated, in accordance to the diagrammatical scale, in three seasons. All the six evaluated genotypes presented severity susceptible (S) to the virus, under field conditions. There was only strong and positive linear correlation between the two evaluated parameters incidence and severity of the virus.


p. edulis f. flavicarpa resistance to illnesse ciencias agrarias resistência a doenças. quality post harvest desempenho agronômico agronomical performance p. edulis f. flavicarpa genetic improvement melhoramento genético qualidade pós-colheita

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