Desemaranhar : estudo de O método Brecht de Fredric Jameson / Untangling : a reading of Fredric Jameson s Brecht and Method


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This work consists of a reading of Fredric Jameson´s book, Brecht and Method. One of the most important theorists of postmodernism, Jameson discusses in this book the validity of Brecht to the present day; he shows how ideas, narratives and language make up a brechtian method that also merges with what could be called a dialectical attitude. Due to the complexity of Jameson?s exposition, some theoretical threads were choosen to organize the discussion. The objectives of this study are therefore exploring the critic?s arguments, unraveling them and trying to explain the way they operate, particularly in the Brazilian context. For this purpose, a detailed reading of Jameson?s propositions was carried out and contributions from other scholars about the same topics were taken into account. From that the three chapters this thesis result: a confrontation between the reflection on Brecht´s history in Brazil and an explanation of the knowledge required to read Brecht and Method, a paraphrase of the book´s main ideas and hypothesis along with the discussion of the centrality of the actor in Brechtian work and, finally, a commentary on Jameson s writing


dialética dialectic

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