Descoerencia na propagação de neutrinos




In this work we discuss the Neutrino temporal evolution adding the decoherence phenomenon to flavor oscillation. We describe very carefully how the phenomenological decoherence should be added to the evolution and what are the consequences and possibilities that this choice bring to us. Imposing decoherence we found three new dynamics to Neutrino system that were not explored until now. For atmospheric Neutrinos we show that the new Super-Kamiokande experimental data is not anymore in agreement with apure decoherence flavor conversion solution. We also tested the pure decoherence solution to the recent experimental data from Kam-LAND [1]. Although reactor Neutrinos are used in this experiment, it is build to explore the parameter space of the best solution to the solar Neutrino problem: the Large Mixing Angle MSW solution. We found that a massless solution induced by decoherence can explain the data. A good fit to KamLAND data is necessary to a good solution to solar Neutrinos


neutrinos mecanica quantica

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