Descentralização e difusão da defesa da concorrência no Brasil : uma análise a partir de pressupostos democrático-federativos




This dissertation aims to analyze the currently institutional arrangement for the defense of competition in Brazil, from its historic role, and proposes a new model, not only more in agreement to our federal system, but that also promotes the dissemination of this public policy. This reflection is important at the moment as we are debating a new institutional arrangement for the policy on protection of competition, according to the Project of Law # 5877/2005, submitted to the Federal Executive Power to the National Congress. To achieve this goal, the first chapter gives a historical background on the defense of competition in order to identify its objectives and understand its role as part of the Economic Field of Law in the currently Brazilian constitutional system. The first chapter allows to continue the discussion about the decentralization of the defense of competition, its legal scopes, challenges and methods of operation. The second chapter is a review of the Brazilian federalism in order to identify how the policy of protection of competition has evolved with the federal Brazilian history, up to the model established by the 1988 Federal Constitution, as part of the competing power field. This second chapter, important for highlighting the central paradigm with which the policy on protection of competition in Brazil has developed, allows to go on with the discussion of a new institutional arrangement. This discussion occurs in the third chapter, which seeks from the assumptions set out in previous chapters with the theoretical framework of the theory of communicative action of Jürgen Habermas, to bring the socio-legal grounds that recommends the decentralization of the defense of competition in Brazil, through a model similar to that adopted by the Code of Consumer Protection.


descentralização participação social defesa da concorrência política pública federalism economic law direito econômico protection of competition decentralization public policy federalismo social participation direito

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