Desamparo aprendido e imunização em humanos: avaliação metodológica/conceitual e uma proposta experimental / Learned helplessness and immunization in humans: methodological/conceptual evaluation and an experimental proposal


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The results of learned helplessness studies with humans have been inconsistent. This is probably due to the systematic contiguity between the end of the aversive stimulus and the immediately preceding response during the uncontrollability session, which mimics an accidental control condition. Three experiments were conducted to establish a procedure with adequate experimental control to analyze the effects of an uncontrollability history upon learning of a new operant response in humans, as well as the prevention (immunization) of this effect. The first experiment demonstrated operant control under three negative reinforcement contingencies (variable sequences, maze, and discrimination of geometric forms), which allowed verifying the effect of the absence of control upon learning of a new operant response (Experiment 2 learned helplessness) and the effect of the absence of control, after a history of controllability, upon learning of a new operant response (Experiment 3 immunization). During the uncontrollability session, a number of variables were manipulated to avoid the accidental selection of the response being measured (duration of the stimulus, number of trials, response cost, and initial instructions). In Experiment 2, two groups were exposed to aversive tones (groups C and U) and one group was not (group N). For group C, the interruption of a high-pitch tone was contingent on the emission of variable sequences; for group U, the duration of the tone was response independent. Group U was further divided into two subgroups, according to the presence or absence of a hint on the screen (Up and U). After this manipulation, all participants had to solve a maze that was presented along with a tone. In Experiment 3, a pre-control group (P) was added to the ones in Experiment 2. The escape contingency for discriminating geometric forms was presented in the pre-treatment phase along with a tone. The results of the test phase indicated shorter latencies and a greater number of responses for groups C, N, and P, in comparison to the uncontrollable groups. For the latter groups, there was a negative correlation between the frequency of contiguities in the treatment phase and performance during the test phase. There was a low frequency of contiguities during treatment, and longer latencies and more errors during the test for Group U; an intermediate pattern was observed for Group Up. These results replicate the learned helplessness and immunization effects in humans, and suggest that this procedure is adequate to study these phenomena. The results also indicate that accidental selection during the uncontrollability session may eliminate the learned helplessness effect during the test (Group Up). The effects of the hints on the screen, the schedule parameters, and the presence of systematic contiguities are further discussed


aversive stimulus contiguidade contiguity desamparo aprendido estimulo aversivo incontrolabilidade learned helplessness negative reinforcer reforco negativo uncontrollability

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