Desafios e superações na relação entre educação inclusiva e trabalho: um estudo sobre as experiências de jovens com deficiência




The present study is based on the relationship between youth, school, and work, and is part of the line of research Teaching Practices and Professional Development, for which it constitutes an important dialogue among the research groups in the area of Education and Work areas. It investigates and analyzes the challenges facing young, disabled students in relation to inclusive education and work in todays society. The research subjects are students with disabilities who attend the EJA (Educação de Jovens e Adultos Education for Young People and Adults) in the town of Camboriú, in the Brazilian State of Santa Catarina. It was only after the education reforms in the second half of the 1990s that these students began to be a part of a new approach to these disabilities, and through the work of more trained and prepared professionals in this segment, became integrated into society. It is observed that their journeys follow on from the historical achievements in the area of human rights, in that they had previously been seen as separate beings, at the margins of social groups. Inclusive education is still an area for development, although the progress made, in terms of inclusion and discrimination, cannot be denied. A qualitative approach was used in this research, which takes the form of a case study focusing on the EJA in Camboriú, and its students with disabilities. The theoretical and methodological background is based on the following authors: Stainback &Stainback (1999), Pochmann (2004), Spósito (1997, 2003, 2005), Gil (1991), Haddad (2002), Mantoan (2003, 2006, 2008), Franco (2005), Carvalho (2009), Rodrigues (2006, 2008), and others. The results of this study show the influence of work and education in the construction of positive personal, professional and social experiences of the young people interviewed. The spheres of school, work, employment, training and belonging to groups (family and friends) are considered legitimate and relevant in the construction of social categories, as they define how the young people identify themselves, and are socially identified.


educação de jovens e adultos young people with disabilities educação e trabalho jovens com deficiência education education and work educacao educação inclusive inclusive-education

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