Desafios de gestão integrada de recursos naturais: a relação da gestão de recursos hídricos e a gestão territorial em bacias urbano-rurais - um estudo de caso na bacia hidrográfica do rio Itajai (SC) / DESAFIOS DA GESTÃO INTEGRADA DE RECURSOS NATURAIS: A RELAÇÃO ENTRE A GESTÃO DE RECURSOS HÍDRICOS E A GESTÃO DO TERRITÓRIO EM BACIAS URBANO-RURAIS: Um estudo de caso na Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Itajaí (SC)


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The management of natural resources is a basic strategy to face the environmental problems building the sustainable condition. This management can be described as sectorial and regulatory involving actions shared in different levels in the economic-environmental interaction with no inversion in the development model. However, the implementation of this integrated management is armed with equal complexity related to the problems on which it intends to act. In the subject on the complexity of the implementation two interdependent aspects are distinguished: the space integration between different scales and territories, and the institutional integration, considering that in last the 25 years exist an overlapping of the non-articulated actions in the environmental arena. With this theoretical model is analyzed the link between the territorial management in the district level and the water management in the level of the hydrographic basin looking to build an integrated management. The conceptual approach is complemented with the case study based on Itajaí River (SC) hydrographic basin. This basin with urban-agricultural occupation comprises 50 cities and approximately 1.000.000 of inhabitants. As methodological procedure 4 phases had been defined to investigate the link between territorial management and water management in the Itajaí River Basin. The first phase defines the context of the study object describing the water management and the function and actions the the district (duties and power of the districts). The second phase describes the groups of the cities with similar dimensions and structural characteristics defining a typology. The third methodological phase establishes relationship between the definite types (typology) defined previously, the use of the ground and the problematic related to the water management in the Itajaí (SC) river basin. The fourth and last phase, based on the research developed with all districts investigates the relationship between the scales and the management levels. In the territorial point of view the research demonstrates that about 70% of the river basin territory is under domain of the agricultural cities been the great majority in lethargic and diminishing conditions. In the other hand, 40% of the river basin population resides in the two attractive urban centers. The results show that the use and occupation of the land, which management is included in the district, is not conditioned to the water resources management. In fact, the units of management of water resources are not enough to guarantee the territorial control and its impacts in the quality and amount of water. However, many times small the medium districts can not execute their territorial management and water resources management with focus in the integrated management perspective promotes new possibilities for the district territorial management.


gestão integrada da água gestão territorial river basin. territorial management water integrated management bacia hidrográfica urbano-rural.

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