Desacidificação do OFA atraves do processo de extração liquido-liquido descontinuo utilizando alcoois / Rice poil Brain desacidification in a descontinuous liquid-liquid extraction process using alcohols




The vegetable oil is present in the gastronomy of different cultures,making the food even more attractive to our senses: smell,sight and taste.Besides being an important source of energy it also contains vitamins, nutraceutical compounds and antioxidant liposoluble. Rice brain oil is one of the best vegetable oil, it possesses powerful antioxidant compound thus is is very effective in preventing disease. The deacidification oil process throught liquid-liquid extraction has revealed a new way to extract the vegetable oil with an acceptable level of free fatty acid and it has advantages over the physical and chemical ones. The reason for the use of this new process in regardining to those ones, it is for the fact of optimising the waste of energy because it can be undertaken at room temperature and with atmospheric pressure (at non-especial grounds), besides this, also the liquid-liquid extraction avoid the formation of soap normally resultant from the other process, and it can minimize the loss of neutral oil. This piece of work aims to point out the importance of select the most effective solvent in the deacidification of the rice bran oil during the liquid-liquid discontinuos extraction process. This study has been done to determine the coefficient of patition K, in biphasic watery systems RBO/solvent above mentioned. The experience showed that the Ethanol pesented the best results among all solvents used to separate the free fatty acid, with K 0,07


extraction (chemistry) liquid-liquid extraction oleo vegetal unit operation extração liquido-liquido operações unitarias extração (quimica) separation process desacidification process separação unitarias separação (tecnologia) oils

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