Dermatoscopy in polypoid basal-cell carcinoma: a rare histopathological variation


J. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab.




RESUMO O carcinoma basocelular (CBC) polipoide é um tumor raro, considerado uma variante clínica e histopatológica do CBC nodular. Apresenta ampla base exofítica ou pedunculada que se conecta à superfície da pele e exibe, histopatologicamente, as agregações neoplásicas restritas à zona polipoide. Relatamos um caso clínico de CBC com revisão da literatura. Destacamos a similaridade clínica desse tumor maligno com outros tumores benignos e malignos da pele, além da importância da dermatoscopia para o auxílio diagnóstico.ABSTRACT Polypoid basal-cell carcinoma (BCC) is a rare tumor, considered a clinical and histopathological variant of the nodular BCC, presenting broad exophytic or pedunculated base that connects to the surface of the skin and histopathologically displays the neoplastic aggregations restricted to the polypoid zone. We report a clinical case of BCC, with a bibliographical review, highlighting the clinical similarity of such malignant tumor with other benign and malignant tumors of the skin, besides the importance of dermoscopy for the diagnostic aid.

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