Depressive disorders: development of didactical material for distance education / "Transtornos depressivos: desenvolvimento de um material didático para educação a distância"




Lack of knowledge is indicated as one of the main factors responsible for nursing professionals’ deficient identification and care for depressed patients. Distance education is one alternative for solving educational problems in large countries like Brazil. This study aimed to elaborate and analyze didactical material on depressive disorders for distance education. This applied research was essentially motivated by the need to solve a concrete and immediate problem. The study can also be characterized as descriptive, since it describes the elaboration and analysis process of this didactical material. This process involves 3 moments: in the first phase, a bibliographic survey on depression was realized to develop and prepared the didactical material for distance education. This laborious and extensive task required both technical and pedagogical care; the second phase covered the identification of specialists’ opinions about the material. After their reading and analysis, the specialists made recommendations and filled out a questionnaire to evaluate the material; the last phase covered the analysis, adequation and presentation of the produced didactical material. In reformulating and presenting the results, we attempted to discuss the main aspects that had been incorporated into the constructed material. The production process of a multimedia script is not dichotomized from pedagogical theory; they move along together and not separately. There are no ready formulae. This means that, at the same time, we were responsible for coordinating the editing of the distance education material on depressive disorders, joining knowledge about the contents, pedagogy, informatics, psychology, communication and marketing, among others. The research design included diagnosis and context, access behavior, priorities, objectives, contents, method and evaluation. The material was divided into nine modules with general information and aspects related to depressive disorders, such as: history, concepts, epidemiology, risk factors, classification, diagnosis, treatment, suicide and the respective nursing care. Our final research considerations point out a number of reflections: the main aspect to be considered in any educational process and in the elaboration of didactical material is its pedagogical foundation; first, it should take into account the student’s peculiarities and be useful in attending to the detected needs; difficulties resulted from the lack of accessories for a team that was prepared to work with distance education in terms of pedagogical, didactical and technological questions. We produced this didactical material to collaborate with efforts to satisfy the education and/or updating needs of nursing professionals, nurse academics and other health professionals in care delivery to depressive disorder patients, their family and the community.


educação a distância distance education transtornos depressivos depressive disorders didactical material material didático

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