Densidade ossea alveolar em mulheres com periodontite na pre e pos-menopausa




The aim of this study was to compare the alveolar bone density in pre and postmenopausal Caucasian women with chronic eriodontitis attending the clinic at Piracicaba Dental School - UNICAMP. Forty women were selected: 20 in pre menopause and 20 in post menopause. The study used a conventional periapical radiographic film adjusted with an equivalent aluminum filtration. The comparison of the mandibular interdental septum density between the first premolars and second premolars; second premolars and first molars; first molars and second molars, were performed by software Aleq-Al®. The plaque index, bleeding on probing and the linear clinical parameters of probing depth (PD), gingival margin level (GML) and clinical attachment level (CAL) were measured on the Ramfjord teeth (16, 14, 22, 36, 34 and 42) and the test teeth (34, 35, 36, 44, 45 and 46). The PD, GML and CAL were measured by the electronic periodontal probe, Florida Probe®, in sites identified with and without chronic periodontitis. It was not observed statistically significant differences in alveolar bone density between pre (4,79 ± 1,79 mmAl, P>0,05) and post menopausal women (4,83 ± 1,98 mmAl, P>0,05).It would be concluded that mandibular bone density in patients with periodontal disease is not different in pre and post menopausal women.


osteoporose doença periodontal osteoporosis alveolar bone density periodontitis

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