Democratization, economic liberalization and decision making process in foreign policy: a case study on the role of the Mexican Congress in legislatures from 1994 to 2006 / Democratização, liberalização econômica e processo desisório em política externa: um estudo de caso sobre o papel do congresso mexicano nas legislaturas de 1994 a 2006




This work analyses the role of Mexican Congress in foreign policy issues during the period of 1994-2006 (LVI-LIX Legislature), corresponding to the presidencies of Ernesto Zedillo and Vicente Fox, based on the processes of economic and political liberalization faced by the country in the last decades. Taking into account indicating levels of activity on foreign policy issues and disagreement over foreign policy, the hypothesis formulated is that, during the period studied, the Mexican Congress has shown a high level of activism, however its assertiveness was low. In the moments of confrontation with Executive, the Congress has shown little institutional capacity to impose its preferences. The congressmen limitations to act in the realm of foreign policy could be related to structural factors, such as the costs of an international treaty´s rejection, or conjunctural, such as the difficult of constructing consensus in the Upper and Low chambers about what Congress´s role in foreign affairs issues should be.


foreign policy ativismo congresso mexicano executive-legislative relations liberalismo mexican congress relações executivo-legislativo liberalization processo decisório assertiveness assertividade activism política externa decision making process

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