Demandas de atenção dirigida em pacientes submetidos a transplante de medula ossea




The capacity to focus attention is essential to the effective handling of everyday life for it allows one to perceive, think clearly and to keep the intended activity in course despite environmental distractions. An individual who has a chronic life -threatening disease, such as leukemia and undergoes its treatment process, can have his/her capacity to focus attention highly increased for intense and long periods. This qualitative approach study has aimed at identifying the main attention demands in terms of: environment, information, affection and behavior in patients diagnosed for leukemia and subjected to Bone Marrow Transplants at a specialized center provided by a University Hospital in the South of Brazil. The data has been collected through a semi-structured interview guided by five questions. The tape scripted material was categorized and analyzed according to an analysis of topic content based on its frequency and relevance. The results showed that the patients experience multiple demands for attention and care, which compels them to use mental effort in dealing with situations imposed by the treatment process. Demands regarding the affective domain were expressed by distance from family members, the uncertainty in their future, the death as a possibility, pain and feeling of compassion. The informational domain were too much information due to strict routine protocol and the physical environmental demands were too much nursing handling, restriction space to move around and long stay in the hospital. The behavioral domain were expressed by incapacity to continuing their work activity and adaptation to new routine. The study suggests that learning about the attentional demands that they are exposed to should be a nurse concern. The reevaluation of some routine, the amount of information and the way it is given to them could be one strategy to reduce these demands


atenção cuidados paliativos leucemia

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