Delicta factis permanentis : marcas de um delito invisivel / Delicta factis permanentis : scars from an invisible crime




The fact legally defined as lesão corporal grave (grievous bodily harm) is approached from two perspectives in this research: the process of its concealing by the victims in the practices of the Police Station Specialized in Crimes against Women of Manaus/AM and the reconstruction of this experience in the autobiographical narratives elaborated by the women who have been victims of this crime. The study analyzes different representations of violence against women expressed in the way it is classified in police practices and translated into narratives by the subjects of the research. The dialogue between the ethnography of the above-mentioned police station and its assessment by the users of this service suggests the ambiguity of the relationship between legal parameters of police action, the police practices and the expectations of violence victims, hinting at various forms for the resolution of these conflicts


narrative gender violence against women genero violencia contra a mulher violencia violence narrativa

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