Deflexão solar do gráviton-energia gravitacional em uma teoria não-simétrica da gravitação. / Solar gravitational deflection of a graviton - Ghost free analysis of a nonsymmetric theory of gravitation.




In this work two problems are studied, as summarized below: Part I - Deflection of the Solar Gráviton. This work calculated the deflection angle of the sun through the graviton your section of the shock of differential scattering. The term for the section of shock is obtained through a semi-classical theory. The result obtained for the angle of deflection of graviton for small angles, it is assigned to light, in its null geodesic. The content of this work led to the article: Ragusa, S. and rapid, L. C., Gen. Relative.. Solar Gravitational Deflection of the Graviton. 35, 1125 (2003). Part II - Energy in a Gravitational Theory of Non-Symmetric Gravitation. The absence of radiation modes of negative energy in a proposed theory of gravitation based on a non-symmetric metric is re-analyzed. This is because the contribution of part of lagrangean no longer be considered. We here show that this contribution to the energy is zero. The positive character of the energy in the theory is then firmly established. The content of this work led to the work: Ragusa, S. and rapid, L. C. Ghost-free Analysis of the Nonsymmetric Theory of Gravitation. Accepted for publication in Brazilian Journal of Physics.


deflexão gráviton energy deflection energia graviton teoria não-simétrica nonsymmetric theory

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