Decomposição do metanol sobre catalisadores de paladio suportados




In the present work a quantitative study was done, conceming the methanol decomposition reaction using Pd/AI2O3(5/95),Pd/La203(5/95) and Pd-Cu/La203(5% Pd+Cu, molar ratio Pd/Cu=1/I), aiming to bring some contribution toward a better understanding of the mechanism of the methanol synthesis reaction. These catalysts were prepared by semi-wet impregnation. Technical support to the preparation stage was given through several characterization tests, which included Atomic absorption, BET studies, Temperature programmed reduction, Thermogravimetric analysis, Infra-Red Spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and Scanning electron microscopy. Methanol was vaporized in bubblers and carried by argon gas and the composition of the reactor s effluent stream was analysed by gas chromatography. The experimental results obtained shows that the methanol, between 488-578 K (215-305 DC) temperature range and 0,5 bar differential pressure, decomposes giving essentially H2, CO, CO2, CH4 and DME. An analysis of the results shows that it is possible to conciliate the synthesis and decomposition of the methanol by the fact that both reaction are formed by the same intermediate products, just as it is imposed by the Microscopic Reversibility PrincipIe


catalise heterogenea metanol paladio catalisadores de paladio catalisadores de cobre suportes de catalizadores

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