Decison support system for agricultural land use management / Sistema de apoio ao processo de decisão para a gestão do uso agricola da terra




The objective of this work was to develop a decision support system for agricultural land environmental planing, which integrates an Expert System to determine the land capability and other to recommend adequate uses and practices for soil conservation and management, Geographic Information System (GIS), a database and an interface to monitor input and output data and the messages passed between the subsystems. The management of all the system is made by an interface developed in Visual Basic, version 5.0. All the dialogues between the user and the system as well as the communication with the components of the system are made through the interface that shows windows, menus, dialog boxes, maps and reports in the screen. It saves the results in files and prints them. The expert systems were developed with a shell known as CLIPS (C Language Integrated Production System), that provides an environment for building expert systems. The GIS was IDRISI, version 32, that has Applications Programming Interface ? API with an OLE Automation Server, and makes possible to use high-level languages, such as Visual Basic for controlling the operation of Idrisi32. The database was developed with the Microsoft Access®, because of the majority of the users have this software installed in its computers. The developed system determines land capability from information stored in the database and, also supplied for the SIG, through the soil and slope maps; it recommends adequate uses for land capability class; it recommends practices for soil conservation and management and identifies conflict areas comparing the maps of land use with the land capability. All the results can be visualized by the user through windows of the program, recorded or printed in forms of reports. The validation of the system was done comparing the system outputs with the results obtained of four experts. The divergences have shown that the system was more rigorous than the experts, specially concerning the erosion risk, leading to different land capability classes from those determined for some experts, in some cases. Concerning to the type of practices for soil conservation and management, the divergences have been few. In order to test the system, the county of Santo Antônio do Jardim ? SP was selected. The system classified 36.95% of lands as adequate for the use with annual or perennial cultures; 42.69% are adequate for pastures and reforestation and 19.51% must be used for environmental preservation. Another presented result is the map of intensity use, through which could be observed that 48.50% of the lands are being used of adequate form; 31.82% of the lands presents inadequate use and, 14.06% presents under utilization. The system is a powerful and efficient tool, what makes it possible to evaluate a region and give support to a more adequate decision making.


solo - conservação soil conservation sistemas especialistas (computação) sistemas de informação geografica land capability sistemas de suporte de decisão expert systems solo - uso solo adequado para agricultura land use decision support systems geographic information systems

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