De Horácio a Drummond, o tempo dispara; de Drummond a Horácio, o tempo repara




The purpose of this dissertation is to demonstrate as suggested by the title, that Carlos Drummond de Andrade in his poetry finds in the western Lyrical Poetry tradition some elements and brings them to his poetic works. Considering he was a modern poet and a modernist it was expected he should oppose any past or classical influence. Horace#s works are the starting point to notice the continuity of classical tradition derived from the Greeks and the standpoint to discuss such tradition maintained in Drummond#s poetry. The common focus to analyze lyrical trends of both authors is the chronological time in its fundamental nature and its fugacity, although they are different and so distant from each other in time and space. Therefore, it is done a review of the notions and concepts of Classical Lyric as expressed or inferred by Aristotle, Horace and Longino, among ancient authors, and Boileau-Despréaux, Emil Staiger and others among the modern ones. In Odes and Epodes, by Horace, time is seen as a motivator of the famous carpe diem, as well as the motivation for derived subthemes like: a) the ephemeris of life, b) death, c) the antonym youth-old hood, d) pleasure of life, and e) the poet#s eternity through his art. In Drummond#s works, above all in Nova Reunião: nineteen books of poetry clearly can be seen the way in which the central theme is shown and also the subthemes already mentioned. Finally, the conclusion is a confrontation between both works and poets. Commonalities and divergences in the poetry


literatura brasileira poesia brasileira andrade, carlos drumond de, 1902-1987 poesia lírica literatura brasileira

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