De exército estadual à polícia-militar : o papel dos oficiais na policialização da Brigada Militar (1892-1988)


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The Military Brigade of Rio Grande do Sul was created as a military state, so that his officers have formed a class of military professionals and skilled in the art of war. Thus, the officers of the Military Brigade became a military elite based on three elements: the mission of the instructor that the Army began to train the Brigade since 1909, the Course for Military Readiness and the extensive experience gained in the wars insurrectionary war. The Union, from 1934, removes the warlike character of the state militias turning them into military police. The State Army remains exclusively until 1950 when the state begins its long process of policialização, triggering the clash between cultural values and the military and military police. The official professionalized as military and trained for war were immense difficulties in adapting to the designs and travails of police departments where there were no medals, glory or glamor that were accustomed. The officers trained by the military ethos, mostly endured policialização roughly imposed by the Union was not easy for officials, military professionals and skilled in the art of war, starvation of adapting services to policing. The Military in spite of everything, cemented his policialização through overt preventive police, still keeping much of military values and military. The Military Brigade policialização characterized as three types of police equipment order, security and criminal. Thus, the State Army was transformed into military police force and since the Constitution of 1988, its officers search the complete cycle of police. The sedimentation of the Military Brigade and police force - which in this thesis is called policialização - it was one of the most important brands and significant public safety statewide. Thus, the insertion of the Military Police as an organ of public security, has redefined the direction of beat policing in Rio Grande do Sul.


brigada militar. military police military police segurança pública state army polícia militar military professionalism and specialization policiamento elite military prevencao do crime military culture sociologia criminal policialização rio grande do sul ostensive police police detachments police professionalism expertise la police militaire armée de l État officiel militaire professionnalisme et de spécialisation Élite militaire la culture militaire police ostensive détachements de la police police professionnalisme l expertise

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